Our Farm

Our Community mission has always been to live gently on the Earth and to be good stewards of the land and all the beings whom we share it with. Toward that mission in 1999 our community was born and we built 24 homes in a 7 acre meadow, protecting the remainder of our 350 acres as wild and natural open space; a safe and protected haven for multitudes of Deer, Elk, Black Bear, Coyote’s, Turkeys and a
plethora of other high desert/alpine wildlife.

We were also blessed to have 70 acres of irrigated pastureland with crystal clear and pure water flowing to us from the pristine Weminuche Wilderness of the Rocky Mountains, the largest, most remote and arguably the most spectacular Wilderness in Colorado. The particular section of the Weminuche that serves as our watershed is also unique and rare in that this area was too remote and rugged to be widely mined like so much of the Colorado Wilderness. Without the toxic runoff so often found near mining sites we are blessed to have some of the purest living water you can find.

We have cared for the land for over 20 years using all Organic, Bio-Dynamic and regenerative farming methods to restore the natural vibrancy and nutritive qualities of the soil.